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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 3, 1792

Remarks &c Friday 3rd August 1792

 1 pm: Strong breezes and dark cloudy weather Exercised the Boats Crews at Small Arms

 3 pm: Bent the old Main Top Gallant Sail

 5 pm: In 2nd & 3rd reefs Fore & Main and close reefed Mizen Top Sail – spoke the Assistant and found all well

 7 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual – Fires all night to air the ship

11 pm: At 11 saw the Land from NW½W to WbN, Hauled on a wind at ¼ past made the signel and Tacked ship, the Assistant being ahead & not seeing the Land – Memo my own Watch upon Deck

12 mid: At 12 made the Assistant's signal to make more sail – answered Ditto – The weather tolerably clear with a fresh Breeze

 2 am: At 2 fresh breeze with very heavy rain & thick weather The People this night put at Watch and Watch

 4 am: Made ye Signal to Tacked – which was answered by the Assistant

 6 am: At 6 fresh gales and gloomy weather Saw the Land A from SWbW to WbN½N distant off shore 4 leagues – Saw numbers of Flying frish – at ¼ past 6 word ship – At ¾ past 6 bore away – Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 8 am: At 8 the Southermost low land was from the deck S49°W the Northward or high Bluff S87°W – Table Hill S65°W distant off shore 3 leagues – Cleaned below & got up all wet clothes to dry. Served Bore cole & Portable Soup in the Pease for dinner – Out 3rd reefs & set Main Top Gallant Sail

10 am: At 10 thick rainy weather Broached a Cask of Spruce Beer.

11 am: At 11 it cleared up

12 noon: At Noon fresh gales & gloomy weather – the NE part of the Land S76°E – North Cape S73E. Table Hill S44E. West Cape S19°E off shore 3 or 4 leagues – Saw a small Mountainous Island B S42°W about 10 leagues and another Lumb of Land (Island) C N29W distant 10 or 11 leagues
   Latitude Observed 18°·29′ South

N. B. The largest Island I call A, the small Mountainous Island, B, and the Lump of an Island of course C.

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