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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 2, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 2nd August 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather with light showers of rain.

 3 pm: In royals

 4 pm: Rain

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Cloudy weather with heavy rain; in steering sails – A fire in the Galley all night to dry the wet Clothes and to air the Ship – At ½ past 9 in 2 reefs Top Sails drizzling rain

12 mid: Moderate breezes and cloudy with small rain

 4 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy with squalls

 6 am: At 6 out 2nd reefs Top Sails

 8 am: Served a Breakfast as usual of Thick Portable Soup Gruel – Saw Tropic birds & Flying fish – Strong breezes and dark cloudy weather In Top Gallant Sails. Cleaned below and got all wet Clothes upon Deck to dry – Set up stoves in the Cockpits, and aired the ship with Fires. – Exercised Boats Crews at Small Arms. Served Sour Krout with Bore Cole and Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer. – Some People employed fitting Lead Lines for the Boat to sound

12 noon: Strong breezes and dark cloudy weather Assistant in company – The Sun very seldom seen
   Latitude Observed 16°:42′ South

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