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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 28, 1792

Remarks &c Saturday 28th July 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather – Sailmakers employed mending the old Fore Top Sail; and people fitting the new Fore Sail & Top Sails with points ropebands &c.

 5 pm: At 5 hoisted the Preparative Signal and the signals to steer WbS, and to go ahead and carry a light for the night – Answered by the Assistant – Up Fore Sail, close reefed Fore & Mizen and took the 3rd reef in the Main topsail

12 mid: Strong gales and cloudy weather ship rolling deep

 2 am: Handed Mizen Topsail

 4 am: Dark and cloudy with frequent squalls

 5 am: Fresh gales

 6 am: Sat Fore sail – out 4th reef Fore and set Mizen Top Sail
Found in the morning 7 garden Pots broken by the frame giving way in the Cabin – Cooper employed makikng Tubs

 8 am: Out 3rd reefs & set the Jib

 9 am: Out 2nd reefs Top Sails – set Main top mast staysail & Fore Top Mast steering sail

10 am: Squally with rain down steering sail – Broached the 1st Cask of Otaheite Pork which was found to be very good – set Fore Top Mast steering sail

12 noon: Fresh gales & squally – Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 19°:19′ South

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