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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 24, 1792

Remarks &c Friday 24 February 1792

 1 pm: Cloudy weather with haze in the Horizon

 2 pm: Fitted a Martingale.

 4 pm: The Cutter reported on her return from the Assistant that she was then ready for Sea

 6 pm: Moderate and cloudy received some water per Large Cutter – at ½ past 6 weighed and made sail in company with the Assistant At 7 in Cutter – At 8 Light Airs, Fluted Cape NW distance 1 mile

11 pm: A heavy and sudden squally of wind – in Top Gallant Sails and close reefed the Top Sails – split and unbent the Jibb – At midnight fresh gales and cloudy with rain

 4 am: Strong gales and hazy squalls with rain at times – handed Mizen Top Sail –

 5 am: Ditto Weather and cloudy

 6 am: Saw a seal and several Porpoises – At 5 more moderate set the Mizen Top Sail – Saw the Land about Fluted Cape bearing NW

 7 am: At 7 strong gales with heavy squalls & rain, handed Mizen Top Sail – At 8 in Fore Top Sail and down Top Gallant Yards

10 am: Served thick Gruel & Portable Soup for Breakfast as usual – also Sour Krout

12 noon: Got the small sails out of the Tops – At Noon strong gales and squally handed the Main Top Sail. Saw Albatrosses, Sheerwaters, Cary Chickens & Silver Birds – Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 44°:24′ South

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