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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 25, 1792

Remarks &c towards Otaheite 25 February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales with frequent hard squalls and rain – At 2 more moderate set the Main Top Sails.

 5 pm: Stowed the Anchors

 8 pm: Fresh gales and squally with rain – Fire all night to air ship

 1 am: More moderate set the Fore Top Sail

 5 am: Set the Mizen Top Sail

 8 am: Out one reef Top Sails – Up Top Gallant Yards – Cleaned and dryed ship – Set Main Top Gallant Sail and bent the best Mizen Top Sail – Served Sweet Wort, Krout – Saw several Sea Fowl.

12 noon: Fresh breezes and squally; Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 45°·45′ South

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