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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 23, 1792

Remarks &c towards Otaheite Thursday 23rd February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather, at ¼ past 12 Tacked ship carrying all possible sail to clear the land

 4 pm: Tacking occasionally – Very fresh gale – At ¼ past 4 Tacked ship Cape Pillar bearing N82°E and Cape Frederic Henry N82°W distant 1 mile – The Assistant carried away her Fore Yard in stays and brought the Topsail sheets to the Cat Heads. Saw her stay very well under this sail – Prepared the large Cutter to send on board to her assistance, which was rendered unnecessary by her crossing another Fore Yard very expeditiously – At ½ past 5 Cape Frederic Henry NbW½W one mile off. Made the signal for anchoring – lead always going. Sounded from 27 to 25 fathoms in Adventure Bay – At 11 came to an anchor in 15 fathoms the Assistant in company with her Fore Yard rigged & the sail set – Penguin Island N85°E, & ½ miles – Cape Frederic Henry N24°E – Nelson's Hill S9°W – Gully Head (otherwise Indian Head) N35°W – Eastermost part of Table hill N18°W

 5 am: At daybreak sent hands to prepare the Assistant for sea – Unbent the Courses and Main Top Sail and bent the second best sail (better than the others) – At 8 fair weather and Moderate winds Served thick Gruel and Portable Soup for Breakfast

12 noon: At Noon fair weather – right into the Bay – The Assistant's busily employed getting her ready for Sea, but not yet ready
   Latitude Observed 43°:22′·15″ South

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