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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 22, 1792

Remarks off Adventure Bay, Wednesday 22nd February 1792

 1 pm: Cloudy weather with a swell from the NE

 3 pm: Light airs, weighed and towed farther out of the Bay. At ½ past 4 brought up with the Best Bower in 15 fathoms soft ground Nelson Hill bearing S1°:30′W and the Next S24°W. Extremes of Frederick Henry low land from N48°W to N9°W – East point of Table Hill N19°W and Cape Frederick Henry N27°E.

 1 am: Light airs

 4 am: Fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather

 6 am: Served Portable Soup and thick Gruel for breakfast

 7 am: Moderate breezes and cloudy, weighed – Assistant in company

 8 am: Cape Frederic Henry N2°W Southermost point of Maria Island (called by Captain Bligh the Lookers out) N80°E – Sounded from 24 to 29 fathoms; off shore 1½ miles. At ¾ past 9 in Cutter and hauled on a wind, having looked into a large bay formed by the Maria Islands and the Main, and from which no out-let was positively seen to the Northward, yet strongly believed. In this bay we expected to discover the entrance of what is called Frederic Henry Bay, which I have described in the preceeding observations – its situation remains yet undetermined, tho' concludes to be about 7 miles to the north of Frederic Henry Point.

12 noon: At Noon fresh gales and cloudy with haze. Cape Pillar (a remarkable point on one of the Maria's) East 2 or 3 Leagues – Cape Frederic Henry WSW 2 or 3 leagues – Assistant in company.

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