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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 11, 1792

Remarks &c in Adventure Bay Saturday 11th February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and squally with rain

 3 pm: Employed in the Fore Hold

 5 pm: Cloudy – received the first turn of Wood per Launch.

 8 pm: Moderate and cloudy weather

 9 pm: Strong gales – down lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts. Bent the Sheet Cable and got the Anchor over the side

12 mid: Strong Gusts of wind with showers – Caught many red Cod with Hooks & Lines.

 4 am: More Moderate and cloudy; sent the Launch onshore for Wood, and small Cutter for Grass at the East Point.

 7 am: Squally at times sent the Party on shore to cut Wood, & the 2nd Lieutenant with 4 men to attend the Watering Place.

 9 am: received a second turn of Wood per Launch.

10 am: Sent the Launch with empty Casks to the Watering Place

11 am: Aired the Staysails

12 noon: Moderate and cloudy weather sent the people's dinner on shore

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