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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 12, 1792

Remarks &c in Adventure Bay, Sunday 12th February 1792

 1 pm: Squally with flying showers at times

 3 pm: Moderate and fine weather the Launch returned with a small quantity of wood

 5 pm: received the first turn of water per Launch.

 7 pm: received the second turn of water per Launch.

12 mid: Cloudy, with a cold air.

 5 am: Light breezes and cloudy – received the first turn of Wood per Large Cutter – Breakfasted at ¼ past 6 O'Clock to be ready for wooding at 7.

 7 am: Sent the Wooders & Waterers on shore – Employed filling water in the Fore Hold, and stowing away Wood both in Fore & Main Holds – received the 3rd. turn of water per Launch

10 am: received the 2nd turn of Wood per Large Cutter.

12 noon: Moderate breezes and cloudy Loosed Sails to dry – received the 4th turn of water per Launch. Sent the people's dinner on shore to them as yesterday.

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