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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 10, 1792

Remarks &c in Advanture Bay, Friday 10th February 1792

 1 pm: Light airs, and a dark cloudy sky to the Southward. The People were allowed this afternoon for their own purposes, having been up all the preceding night.

 3 pm: The Cutter returned from Fishing, and brought about 112 pounds of indifferent Fish

 5 pm: Small rain and misty weather

 8 pm: Moist and hazy

12 mid: Small rain.

 5 am: Very rainy weather so that we could not send our Parties on shore till 10 OClock – they consisted of (Wooders) 2 Sawyers, 4 Crosscut saw men, 4 Fellers, 3 Splitters & 4 Carriers; Commanded by the 3rd Lieutenant with a Mate. Part of them were Marines, who had their Arms, and the Sergeant to [attend?] – [Two ??] and a Midshipman were also sent to cut Broom stuff. – Served a hot Breakfast of Burgo and Portable Soup – At 8 Light airs and cloudy with rain, Sent a party on shore to haul the seine with the wooders. Cutter returned with a small quantity of Fish. Aired the small sails.

12 noon: Squally with some showers – People employed clearing the Fore Hold. Caught many small red Cod with Hook & Line, [?] some Nurse & sharks, all very good eating.

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