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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 9, 1792

Remarks &c off Van Dieman's Land 9th February 1792

 1 pm: Light airs and calms at intervals, saw several Gannups and Shags – Sounded in 72 fathoms fine sand, Mewstone bearing S34°W, South Cape N12°E – Swilly rock S46°E

 4 pm: At 4 cloudy Mewstone N85°W, Swilly S19°E – Eddystone S28E, 3 leagues, Cockscomb land shut in with the high peaked mountain N49°W.

 6 pm: At 6 Tasman's Head N18°E 2 leagues, South Cape S83°W – At 7 Fluted Cape N9°E 3 leagues Friers N50°W – At Friers WbN, Fluted Cape N5°W

10 pm: Small rain – Fluted Cape bore NW.

12 mid: Variable weather – Tacking ship occasionally

 1 am: Cape Frederic Henry NNW

 4 am: Light airs – sounded in 34 fathoms fine sand

 5 am: Out Boats and sent them ahead to tow.

 7 am: At 7 handed sails and came to with the Small Bower anchor in 9 fathoms water fine sandy bottom. Veered away and moored ship with a cable on the Small Bower to the Southward and half a cable on the Best Bower to the Northward. Penguin Isle then bearing N64°E, Cape Frederic Henry N25°E. West end of the Beach West ½ a mile.

12 noon: Out Launch. Sent the Cutter with a party to haul the seine.
 Light airs and variable with calms at intervals Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 43°:22′:15″ South

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