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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 15-17, 1791

Remarks &c Tuesday 15th November 1791

Moderate and cloudy. sent the Launch with Casks to the Tent, and received by her 2 turns of water (20 puncheons) Employed about the rigging and filling water in the Hold. rattled down the lower and Top Mast rigging, & bent Mizen Top Sail to keep clear Hawse – At 8 Light airs and cloudy. Hazy weather. got the Powder into the Launch and sent it on shore to the Tent. – Swayed up Top Gallant Masts. Employed in the Hold &c. received fresh Mutton, Bread, Greens &c. – Moderate breezes and fine weather

Wednesday 16 November – Moderate and dark cloudy weather. Employed about the rigging and filling water – Carpenters caulking the Gun deck – At 10 Squally with small rain at times – At 12 fresh breezes with showers At AM. fresh gales and constant rain – At 8 fresh gales with flying showers. Launch employed watering. received Mutton &c. as usual. Sailmakers employed repairing sails at the Tent, and Carpenters painting the stern &c – Moderate and cloudy weather

Thursdasy 17th – Moderate breezes and clear weather. Employed in the Holds stowing Provisions – At 12 fresh breezes and fine clear weather. Scraped the Decks – Sailed hence a french Brigantine for the Isle of France – Employed in the fore & Main Holds – received fresh Mutton &c. Sailmakers at the Tent as before, and Carpenters painting &c Strong breezes and fine clear weather

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