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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 12-14, 1791

Remarks &c at Table Bay – Cape Good Hope

Saturday 12th November 1791 – Light breezes and fine weather employed about the rigging. Sent the Launch on shore with casks – Cooper employed at the Tent. – Fresh breezes and hazy cleared Hawse – Ditto and fair – At 4 AM turned in the Dead Eyes afresh and sent on shore casks – Calm and clear at 8 – received fresh Mutton Bread &c. with some Wine for daily use. – Moderate and fair – Sailmakers employed mending Sails

Sunday 13th Moderate breezes and clear weather. Swayed up Yards and Top Masts, and sat up lower and Top Mast rigging – Pointed Top Gallant Masts through ye caps: Breamed the Bends; tarred and blacked the rigging and Tops – Very fine weather. – At 11 A steady Fog with light Airs. AM washed and cleaned below, received fresh Mutton &c. Mustered the Ship's Company in Divisions. – At 12 Moderate breezes with fine cloudy weather

Monday 14th – Fresh breezes and fine clear weather – At 4 AM. Light breezes and cloudy – Arrived a french Slave vessel and an English Whaler. Sent the Launch with spars, sails, &c. to erect a Tent on shore for the Powder. received Mutton &c as usual – Employed rattling down the Top Mast rigging and stowing the 2nd. tier ready for filling. Moderate & pleasant weather – Sailmaker employed.

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