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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 25, 1791

Remarks &c Tuesday 25th October 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather. Saw an Albatross and several Sheerwaters

 4 pm: Armourers working at the Forge.
Shortened sail for the Assistant

 8 pm: Thick drizzling rain.

12 mid: More clear

 4 am: Squally with a sudden increase of the breezes; in steering sails, Top Gallant sails, and 2nd. reef Top Sails – At 5 in 3rd. reef Fore Top Sails.

 6 am: Fresh gales and cloudy.

 7 am: Saw a Grampus and several Mother Careys Chicken

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired with fires

11 am: Out 2nd. reef – Saw several sea fowl.

12 noon: Fresh gales and cloudy weather
   Latitude Observed 28°·50′ South

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