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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 12, 1791

Remarks &c Monday 12th September 1791

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather at ½ past 12 out Pinnace and sent the 3rd. Lieutenant on shore to wait on the Governor and get permission for the ship to be provided with Fresh Provisions.

 3 pm: At 3 veered to ½ cable service, and moored with the Kedge to the WbW – Bearings East point of land EbN½N, West point WbN 1 mile; Highest Peak NNW½W and the Fort NNW¼W about 2 miles.

 6 pm: At 6 PM. fresh breezes and fair weighed the Kedge and hove short up in the small Bower

11 pm: At 11 Captain Bligh sent Dispatches on board an American schooner to be forwarded to England on her arrival
– At ½ past 11 hove a small stream on the cable without starting the anchor. Got Parsling on the Cable at 12, when it gave way in the Hawse and we Lost the Anchor with about 18 fathoms of cable – Loosed the Topsails and main sail.

12 mid: Fresh breezes, hove to for the Assistant.

 1 am: At 1 AM the Assistant came up – The NE point of the Road NE6N. The Westmost point NW; and the [?] of Port Praya North 2 leagues distant – Bore away and made sail – Set ye lower & Fore Top Mast Steering sails

 6 am: Fresh breezes and fair weather

 8 am: Up all Chests & Bags and washed the Gun Deck – cleaned the Orlop & Cockpits. Stowed the Best Bower anchor and unbent the cable – Saw a Mother Careys Chicken, a swallow and many flying fish – A fresh Trade and hazy weather – Cooper employed shaking casks – Assistant in company

12 noon: At Noon under single reefed Top Sails, Top Gallant Sails, and lower Fore Top Mast steering sails
   Latitude Observed [blank]

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