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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 11, 1791

Remarks &c Sunday 11th September 1791

 1 pm: Moderate and hazy; at 2 saw the Land bearing SbW.

 3 pm: Opened a cask of Pork No. 1127, Contents 120 Double pieces

 4 pm: At 4 the East end of Isle of May SSE – At 6 the West point of Isle of May 4 or 5 leagues and the East point EbW 5 Leagues

 7 pm: Hove to for the Assistant.

 8 pm: Thunder and Lightning to the Southward, A large meteor fell near the ship. At 8 Sounded 50 fathoms rocky Bottom

 3 am: Moderate breezes and hazy at times

 6 am: At 6 Moderate and hazy. Saw the Land bearing NEbN 4 or 5 leagues distant – Opened a cask of Krout

10 am: At 10 AM the NE end of St. Iago NNE and the SW point [NWbW?] – ½ past 10 Tacked ship. The SW point WNW, and the NE point NNE½E – North point of Port Praya road NWbN 4 miles distant

11 am: At 11 Tacked ship and stood in for the road: shortened sail and got ready to anchor. At ½ past 11 came to an anchor with the small Bower in Port Praya road – depth of water 13 fathoms, coarse sand with small stones. East point of the road EbN½N. The West point W½N and the Castle in one with the High Backed Hill N34°W

12 noon: At Noon fresh breezes and clear weather. The Assistant in company

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