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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 7-12, 1791

Remarks &c &c

July 1791

Thursday 7th  Fresh breezes with heavy squalls. at 1 shortened Sails and came to with the small Bower at the Little Nore in 10 fathoms. the Garrison point SWBW½W, the Nore Light E½N, and Minster Church SbE – out Pinnace, AM. moderate and clear, out boats and scraped and washed the Gun Deck. Came on board a Lieutenant, a Sergeant, a Corporal and [?] and fifteen private Marines

Friday 8th  Moderate breezes with flying showers, at 8 in boats – Midnight light breezes. At 5 AM. out boats: received Fresh Beef up Top Gallant Yards and loosed sails to dry. Furled the Courses and weighed the small Bower and Kedge anchors. [Dictators?] boat came to assist towing the ship into harbour. Dropped alongside and made fast to the Prosperity Hulk at Sheerness – Ships draught of water forward 14:10 Inches Abaft 15:5

Saturday 9th  Calm and cloudy handed Sails. Began to hoist our Provisions into the Hulk – Squally with thunder & rain, down Top Gallant Yards and Masts and Moored the ship off from the Hulk to prevent damaging the Channels. Employed shifting Provisions Moderate Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

Sunday 10th  Moderate and cloudy weather. received 20 tons of Iron Ballast Employed clearing the After Hold. Came on board to assist a Petty Officer and thirty men from the Dictator. Fresh gales and cloudy employed stowing the after Hold.

Monday 11th  Ditto Weather. Employed as before; received 15 tons of shingle Ballast. In Launch. compleated the Hold and washed fore & aft. Fresh gales with rain at times

Tuesday 12  Fresh gales & cloudy, received Carpenter stores from the Yard. Booms off the ship. Came aboard the riggers to assist, warped off and came to sail. At 10 under double reef Top Sails; cheered the Admiral. At 12 in Pinnace. Black tail reach North 1 mile – Coast Buoy of [Ooze?] Land SW – made Sail – Draught of Water forward 15..0 Abaft 15..9

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