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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 1-6, 1791

Remarks &c

July 1791

Friday 1st  Fresh Gales with rain. At 1 PM the Tyson West Indiaman fell on board of us and carried away a timber head backstay stool, 3 Port lids, and some of the running rigging and Insign [ensign] staff – AM. more moderate – repairing the rigging and working up Junk. Sailed H.M. Cutter Kite.

Saturday 2  Fresh Breezes with rain. received some Astronomical Instruments. Employed occasionally. AM. Moderate and fair up Top Gallant Yards; received fresh Beef – Carpenters employed on board from Woolwich Yard.

Sunday 3  Moderate and cloudy weather. received 2 cases of stores – returned some empty casks – employed working up Junk – AM. Ditto Weather. up Top Gallant Yards – Loosed sails to dry – at noon handed sails

Monday 4  Fresh breezes and cloudy down Top Gallant Yards – AM. Ditto Weather. at 5 veered away, unmoored ship, and hove to ½ a cable on the small Bower at 7 tripped the anchor and dropped it further to the Northward – veered to half a cable and carried out the Kedge to steady the ship. At noon strong gales with rain struck Top Gallant Masts – Carpenters employed repairing the Ports &c Ships draught of water Foreward 14:11 Aft 15:6

Tuesday 5  Fresh gales with heavy rain. Carpenters employed on board – In Cutter. AM. more moderate Employed clearing ship for sea – received fresh Beef

Wednesday 6  Moderate and cloudy with rain; at 2 weighed the Kedge at ½ past got under way and made sail. At ½ past 7 shortened sail and brought up at the Nore with ye small Bower in 4 fathoms. Struck Top Gallant Masts In Boats, veered away to half a cable and sounded 8 fathoms.Garrison point, Sheerness West. Bouy of the Nore WBN. AM. Ditto Weather. at 10 weighed and made sail. Tacked ship occasionally

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