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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 23-30, 1791

Remarks &c

June 1791

Thursday 23  Moderate and cloudy weather. Stowed the spare Anchor and rounded the cables – received Fresh Beef – shifted further aft 2 main shrouds. Set up the rigging fore & aft, and blacked the Bends

Friday 24  Fresh Breezes and clear. rattled down the lower shrouds afresh and employed making Points & Gaskets – AM. Ditto Weather. received on board 12 4 pounders with the shot and Gunners stores. Employed occasionally – received also 4½ Hogsheads of Sugar

Saturday 25  Moderate weather. received 5 tons of Iron Ballast – received 30 barrels, 30 half barrels of Powder and 10 ½ barrels of filled ammunition Employed painting the masts – At slack water tripped the best Bower with the Launch and let it go further from the ship, being too slack moored – employed pointing the cables & about the rigging

Sunday 26  Moderate and fair. received Fresh Beef – Employed cleaning ship fore and aft

Monday 27  Ditto Weather. Arrived the Kite Cutter from the Eastward. Employed occasionally

Tuesday 28  Moderate and cloudy received the Boats from the yard at [3?] [?] with some Carpenter stores. AM Ditto Weather. Mustered the ships company. up Top Gallant yards. received Swivels with the remaining Gunners stores

Wednesday 29  Ditto Weather. Sat up the Main rigging and employed making Mats &c. received fresh Beef – arrived HM Sloop Drake from Yarmouth roads. Came on board a Pilot to take charge of the ship

Thursday 30  Fresh Gales and cloudy weather. Sat up the Top Gallant rigging – shortened the brace Pendants fore and aft – received Beer and returned some empty casks – People employed making Points and Gaskets &c.

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