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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 12-27, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal Jamaica

1793 April

Friday 12 to Sunday 14 Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes. Some heavy Showers of Rain.
12th A Schooner called the Spitfire Commissioned under the Command of Lieut. Perkins. Discharged per order 4 Men into her. She Sailed on a Cruize. Sailed also the Tyger Privateer.
13 Arrived a Schooner Pirze to the Proserpine. Entered three Men.
14 Anchored the Duke of Cumberland Packet homeward bound.
Carpenters Sailmakers and Armourer Employed at the Yard. Employed Airing and Drying Sails. Washing Hammocks and necessary duties of the Ship. Received fresh beef every day.

Monday 15th to Friday 26 Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes. Some days Showers of Rain & Cloudy
15th Arrived a Brig and Schooner Prizes to the Hyana. Anchored HMS Proserpine with a Ship and Schooner prizes to them and Penelope. Sailed the Packet for England. Sent Monthly Books home. Sent a Man on board the Proserpine show was left behind.
17 Sailed HM Ship Proserpine.
18 Arrived two French Schooners prizes to the Penelope. Sent three Men to the Hospital. Arrived HMS Penelope with a French Brig of War and two Merchant Sloops her prizes. Arrived a Schooner prize to the Spitfire.
19 Arrived a Sloop prize to HM Schooner Spitfire. Arrived a French Sloop prize to the Proserpine. Sent 5 Men Volunteers to the Penelope. Entered one Man Gunners Employed about the Guns.
21 Arrived the Tankerville Packet.
Employed as usual in the necessary duties of the Ship. Received Fresh Beef every Day.
22 AM Sailed HM Ship Penelope.
23 Seized a French Schooner under Dutch Colours with 5 Men on board. from Ja[c]quemel [Lt/La] Esperanza
24 Arrived HM Cutter Advice with a French Schooner at Prize. Entered 10 Men.
25 Arrived a Schooner prize to the Spitfire.

Saturday 27 Fair Weather with Showers and Fresh Gales at times & some Calms. Some Lightning
28 Entered Eight Men
29 Arrived a French Brig prize to the Europa Proserpine and Fly.
30 PM Arrived HMS Europa, also HM Schooner Spitfire and Saluted with 13 Guns returned 11 Guns. She brought in two Schooner and two Sloops, Prizes.
1 Arrived HM Sloop Fly.
2 Entered 1 Man. Sent 4 Prisoners to the Prison Ship.
3 Entered 1 Man and discharge 15 into HM Ship Europa. Arrived a Sloop and a Schooner Prizes to the Hyana.

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