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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 25-Apr 11, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal Jamaica

1793 March

Monday 25th to Friday 29th Fair Weather and Hazy with Land and Sea Breezes and some Calms.
  Employed Painting the Ship and Blacking the Bends. Sent Powder on Shore to Air 26th. Sent two Men to the Hospital. On the 27th Got my Observatory up on Fort Charles Arrived his MS the Serpent from New Providence. 29th Condemned per Survey 1270 pounds of Bread. Received Fresh Beef daily. Received Provisions.

Saturday 30th to Sunday 31st Squally with Rain.
  Employed getting ready for Sea. Received part of our Plants for H Majesty's Garden at Kew. Received 18 Bags of Bread and Rum. 30th The Cumberland Packet arrived. Received Orders not to Sail or prepare further dated 29th. Received Orders to Seize all French Ships. Ditto to assist the Dutch. Took 4 Sloops and 4 Schooners at Kingston, nothing in them. Received Fresh Beef daily.


Monday 1 to Sunday 7 Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes, and Calms.
1st. Sailed His Majesty's Ships Penelope, Hyana, Proserpine. Received on board 12 French Prisoners from the Europa.
2nd. PM Sailed HM Brig Assistant after a suspicious Brig. Unmoored & moored nearer the Shore. Sailed His Majesty's Ship Europa. Received an order dated 31st last Month to bear the Commodore's retimes and hoist his Broad Pennant which I did this Evening and fired the Evening Gun. The Europa in the morning Saluted the Pennant with 13 Guns which we returned and she Sailed on a Cruize. Arrived the Fly Sloop. Received 10 Men left behind from the Assistant. One Man left behind from the Europa.
3rd. Arrived the Assistant with the Brig Rachel under Danish Colours, her papers forged. Detained her and took on board three of her Men. Sent the Brigs People on board again
4th Sailed His MS Serpent. Received a Man belonging to the Proserpine.
5th Sailed HMS Fly.
6th Entered 5 Supernumaries per general order.
  Employed this Week about the necessary duties of the Ship and getting Water from Rock Fort. Sailmakers and Carpenters employed in the Yard.

Monday 8 to Thursday 11 Squally with much Rain
8th Arrived a French Sloop prize to the Hyana. I now saw no prospect of my Sailing and therefore sent the Plants on Shore again.
9th Arrived a Sloop Prize to the Penelope. Discharged 4 Men per order unserviceable.
10th Arrived a Schooner prize to the Hyana. Sailed the Advice Cutter on a Cruize. Carried French prisoners to the Prison Ship.
11th Entered 4 Men. Seized a small Schooner without Masts.
Received fresh Beef every day. Carpenters & Sailmakers Employed in the Yard. Employed as necessary.

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