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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 5-24, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal Jamaica

1793 March

Tuesday 5th Fair Weather with Calms.
  At ¾ past 3 Anchored. Best Bower in 8½ fathoms. Veered to a half Cable and moored with the Stream Anchor and Cable. Fort Augustus N19°W, Gallows Point N38°E ¾ Mile, Port Royal point S10°W, off the Yard about 2 Cables length.
  Found here His Majestys Ship Europa, Penelope, Proserpine, Hyana, Fly, Assistant and Advice Cutter. Returned a broken Bower Anchor.
  Unbent Small Sails and got Caulkers on board from the Yard. Received 215 pounds fresh beef
In order to guard against any surprise Commodore Ford gave orders to every Ship to bend Sails.

Wednesday 6th Moderate and fine Weather. Employed restowing the Main Hold. Caulkers from the Yard. Errected a Tent for the Gunner to dry Powder. Sent Sails on Shore to repair. Our own Carpenters Employed Caulking the Sides. Sent our Otaheite Friend to the Hospital at Port Royal. Received fresh Beef.

Thursday 7th Fair Weather. Employed in the Main Hold. Artificers as Yesterday. Received Fresh Beef. Sent some Powder on Shore to dry. Received Water.
Commodore gave Orders to day for the Ships to moor in a line of Defence.

Friday 8th Some Showers of Rain. Caulkers as before. Received a Bower Anchor from Greenwich per Launch. Sent Powder on Shore to dry. Served fresh Beef. New Moored.

Saturday 9th Rather Squally. Finished remooring Ship in a line of Defence. Fort Augusta NbW Gallows Point N65°E ¾ Mile. Loosed Sails to Air. Received Fresh Beef. Employed in the Hold and got on board some Ballast.

to Monday 11th Fair Weather. Employed about the necessary duties of the Ship and examining into the peoples Apparel. Received on board some Powder from the Tent. Receive every Day fresh Beef. Caulkers Employed Caulking. AM Monday Sailed the Prince William Henry Packet. Sent Sails to the Loft. Heard of the Murder of the French King. [Louis XVI]

From Monday 11th to Sunday 17th Fair Weather. Employed overhauling the Rigging and fitting the Ship to be in readiness to proceed home. Armourers, Carpenters, Caulkers and Sailmakers Employed in the Yard respectively. Some Hands restowing the Hold. Received Provisions as necessary and Fresh Beef every Day. Got our Powder on board as fast as we could prepare it. Untill the 14th May the Thermometer neglected to be marked.

Monday 18th to Sunday 24th Fair Weather Generally, with some Showers Land and Sea Breezes.
  Employed in the Holds and about the Rigging. Received fresh Beef daily. Some Ballast. Carpenters and Sailmakers employed on board and at the Yard. Painting Ship. The 19th Sailed HMS Fly on a Cruize. The 20th Condemned per Survey Our Old Fore Sail, Main and Fore Top Sail.
  Washed and Cleaned Ship and on Sunday as usual Mustered the Ships Company clean dressed.

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