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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook May 5-25, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal Jamaica

1793 May

to Sunday 5th 4 Sent one Man to the Hospital. Punished John Curry Ab. with 18 lashes for Drunkenness and neglect of Duty.
5 Sailed HM Sloop Fly and Spitfire.
Employed Exercising at Great Guns and Small Arms. Cleaning and other necessary duties of the Ship. Fresh Beef every Day.

Monday 6 to Sunday 12 Fair Weather. Some hard Rain Thunder & Lightning & Calms, other times Land & Sea Breezes
6 Arrived a Schooner Prize to the Hyana. Arrived the Hyana with an English Guineaman 275 Slaves on board which she retook. Also the Privateer Schooner of 4 Guns which had taken the Guineaman. Also a French Sloop a prize Received two Men belonging to the Penelope. Europa Sailed.
8th Arrived a Schooner Packet from Barbadoes.
9 Arrived HM Ship Proserpine with a Schooner Prize.
10 Sailed HM Ship Hyana.
11 Entered Six Men
12 Anchored The Tankerville Packet bound home.
  Employed Exercising Great Guns and Small Arms. Cleaning Ship and other necessary duties. Received Fresh Beef every Day.

Monday 13 to Sunday 19 Weather very unsettled with a great deal of Rain. Thermometer from 76 to 82 Degrees. Fires kept constantly in the Cockpits and between Decks. Received fresh Beef every day.
16 Arrived the St. Joseph a Spanish Cutter of War from Carthagena.
17 Sent Mr. Hind Midshipman to the Hospital. Sailed HM Ship Proserpine on a Cruize and the Schooner Packet for Barbadoes.
18 Died at 7 this Evening Mr. Hind Midshipman. A Putrid Fever carried him off. He was a very well disposed Young Man, but not at all calculated for his profession. In the Morning he was buried with every mark of attention that could be shown to him. Received a Deserter from the Proserpine.
19 Arrived a prize to HM Schooner Spitfire.

Monday 20 to Sunday [Saturday] 25 Ditto Weather with fair intervals. Land and Sea Breezes. Thermometer from 77 to 83 Degrees Fires kept up constantly to Air the Ship.
Fresh Beef every day while here but the Ships of the Squadron have it only twice a Week
20th Anchored HMS Penelope. Carpenters & Sailmakers Employed daily at the Yard
21 Arrived HM Packet Antelope. Washed and Cleaned Ship.
22 Received 4 four Pounders complete which made us up 16 Guns.
23 Sailed HMS Penelope. Received an order to return all such Stores as I did not want for my passage home. Complied with it.
Arrived a Sloop prize to the Hyana.
24th Received 4 Men from the Hospital. Employed getting ready for Sea.
25 Received Shingle Ballast. Opened a Cask of Beef No. 1390 Contents 66 Double pieces. Carpenters Sailmakers and Armourers Employed at the Yard. Received Provisions.

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