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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 6-10, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal in Jamaica

1793 February

Wednesday 6 Fair Weather and moderate Winds. PM moored Ship with the Stream Anchor to the WNW. AM Washed Ship fore and aft and dried with fires. Employed fitting New Awnings and making buckets. Anchored His Majestys Ship Hound. Our Sick list contained 12 Names two of which only had a disease, the Diarrhoea, besides our two Otaheite Men who were recovering from the Small pox, the others had sores from accident, and trifling complaints.

  I waited on Commodore Ford. He had no orders respecting me, and therefore gave me orders to put myself under his Command.

Thursday 7 Fair Weather and Moderate Winds. Sent 3 Convalescents to the Hospital. One of them from the Wound of an Arrow, one from an old complaint of the Stone, and the other an Abscess in the Scrotum. Received 120 pounds fresh Beef.

  This Morning Commodore came on board and Visited the Ship, many Gentlemen from the Shore also came to see the Plants which were in the highest perfection.

  I sent Lieut. Guthrie to wait on the Governor, General Adam Williamson. I wrote to him a request the Plants might be taken out of the Ship as soon as possible.

Friday 8 Calms and Fair Weather with moderate Breezes. Some Showers. Washed and Aired Ship with Fires and employed the People Washing and mending their Cloaths.
 Received 110 pounds fresh Beef. PM I attended a Committee about the Plants but they came to no final determination about them.

Saturday 9 Light Airs & fair Weather these 24 Hours. Received 110 pounds fresh Beef. Loosed Sails to dry.

  AM Came on board General Williamson, Saluted him with 19 Guns & with the same number at his going away. He expressed great pleasure at seeing so many fine Plants. Many Strangers on board this morning untill Evening, and the Ship exceedingly crowded. I attended a Committee about the Plants.

Sunday 10 Fair Weather Unbent Sails & sent them on shore to be repaired. Received a Turn or Water. Received 110 pounds of Fresh Beef.

  The Committee during the Afternoon determined on dividing the Plants among the Counties, & to have two general deposits, one at East Garden, & the other at Bath. They agreed with Mr. James Wiles one of our Gardeners to pay him 200 pounds Sterling a Year to remain at Bath, & promised to give such things as were necessary to his Board and Dwelling. Bobbo our Otaheite Friend had no fixed sum allowed him, he was however to live with Mr. Wiles & to be found in every thing untill further provision could be made. They sollicited me to carry the Plants that were to be allotted to Bath, round in the Ship to Port Morant as soon as I had delivered those intended for the neighbourhood of this place; & requested I would order the Assistant to take the Cornwall Plants round to Savanna La Mar. I desired the Chairman to write to the Commodore for me to have orders to that effect.

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