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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 5, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 5th February 1793 At Jamaica

 1 pm: Very Hazy Weather and fresh Breeze

 3 pm: Point Morant N39°W and Southermost land in sight S80°W off shore 5 Miles.

 4 pm: At 4 hour 24′ Point Morant true North 5 Miles.

 6 pm: Hove to for a Pilot

 9 pm: Spoke His Majesty's Ship Proserpine and Hound Sloop
Hove to, the Yellows point NW

12 mid: Wore and Hove to, Yellows NNW½W

 5 am: Bore away. The White Horses NbE 3 Leagues

 8 am: Light Winds and Calms. Out Boats. Rock Fort N4°E 5 Miles. Fort Royal N85°W 3 leagues. Sent the Boats to tow. Smith and Gun Key NNE & SSW ¼ Mile a part 15 fathoms Soundings. Saluted Commodore Ford with 13 Guns which was returned.

11 am: At 11 Anchored at Port Royal & moored in 9 fathoms. Port Royal point S2°E ¾ Mile. Fort Small S45°W. Twelve Apostles WbS½W. Fort Augusta NbW½W. Kingstown Church N52°E 4 Miles & Gallows Point N45°E 1 Mile. HMS Europa with the Broad Pennant and Penelope Frigate lying here.

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