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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 2, 1792

Remarks Friday 2nd November 1792

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather. Sailmakers employed about the Mizen Top Sail.

 4 pm: Fair Weather with heavy dark Clouds in the SW. Saw a Tropic Bird diving for Fish like a Gannet.

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps.

 7 pm: In 1st. Reefs and set Fore and Fore Top Mast Steering Sails.

 8 pm: Very Confused Sea.

10 pm: Cloudy Weather

 4 am: Dark Squally Weather to the Eastward.

 5 am: Out all Reefs and set steering Sails.

 8 am: Fair Weather. Served Portable Soup Gruel as yesterday and Mustard to the Ships Company

 9 am: Cleaned below & Aired with Fires, Shifted Hammocks. Aired all Bedding

10 am: Carpenters Caulking the Main Deck about the Windlass.

12 noon: Fair Weather. Squally about the Horizon with Showers, but none with us. A Confused Swell. Saw Tropic Birds.
   Assistant in Company.

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