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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 26, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 26th September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Employed about the Cables.

 2 pm: Dolphins, Flying Fish, Porpoises, Boobies and Man of War Birds. Some Boobies caught. The Porpoises were pye bald.

 7 pm: In Steering Sails and Double Reefs.

 2 am: Light Winds

 5 am: Fair Weather. Made all Sail possible.

 6 am: Saw some Land Birds. Some of the Plover kind, Gannet Boobies and Tropic Birds.

 8 am: Employed worming rubbed places of the Best Bower Cable, and filling some Salt Water.

10 am: Sent the Whale Boat on board the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock to know the state of the Vessel.

12 noon: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. Assistant a head and Sails better than us in these moderate Winds.


As the approach of the Westerly Monsoon was now to be expected, or its effects by bringing Variable Winds and Weather; I determined unless causes hereafter made it necessary to altar my plan, and go on the South side of Timor. I conceive by this means I may carry a truer Wind than is likely to be met with if I go on the North side among the neighbourhood of such great lands, and by this expedite my passage.

I sent for Lieut. Portlock to give him an Idea of my intention, and of the situation of Coupang. It gave me great pleasure to hear from him, all his People were in perfect Health. Water is now our only Want. His people are at a quart a day, and ours nearly the same, and have been since we left the Streights, but there, when at work, our consumption was double.

If I except a Person, who had had the Venereal the whole Voyage, I have not a Sick Man in the Ship.

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