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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 27, 1792

Remarks Thursday 27th September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. Employed in the Hold and about the Cables.

 3 pm: Saw several Gannet Boobies.

 7 pm: Light Coloured Sand and Shells. I consider this Sounding to be from the Coast of New Holland. Steered West. In Steering Sails and Single Reefs.

10 pm: Strong riplings of Tide. Caught a Booby.

 5 am: Out Reefs and set all Steering Sails. Saw a Bird like a Snipe and a Tropic Bird, Some Bonetos, Flying Fish.

 8 am: Served Breakfast as usual.

 9 am: Employed filling Salt Water and worming some rubbed parts of the Best Bower Cable. Cooper repairing Casks.

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Haze. I could not think of heaving too, to sound, time is so precious with us. The Sea now appears like the Ocean, and we have an Eastern swell running after us.
  Assistant a head and out Sails us.


In 1789 when I quitted the Coast of New Holland in the Bounty's Launch, The Mountainous Island with a high round Hill, as particularized in my Map, I then laid down in 10°..15′S 143°..15′E. I found Coupang to lie in 10°..12′S 127°..42′E. These Situations of Longitude according to my usual practice, and what I never go from, were found from a fair account of the Ship's run, without that unpardonable presumption of allowing for Currents. Hence I know my difference of Longitude made at that time between the two places was 46..13 West.

I made the Longitude of the same Mountain by my account this time 145..41 East as my account is therefore carried on with the same fairness, I think it probable the Longitude made from it will agree nearly as can be reasonably expected. At any Rate it is the best way of coming at the truth and making any Value of the Reckoning. By this way my X Longitude from Coupang to day is 4°..31E. (See the 2nd August)

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