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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 25, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 25th September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Haze.

 2 pm: Flying Fish, Gannet Boobies, Tropic Birds. Passed through several patches of Scum on the Water.

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual.

 6 pm: No Ground at 89 fathoms of Line.

 7 pm: Hailed the Assistant to keep on WbS½S all Night. In Studding Sails and 2nd Reefs.

 9 pm: Caught a Booby.

 5 am: Out all Reefs and made all the Sail possible.

 6 am: Served Hot Breakfast as usual.

 7 am: Employed bending the Sheet Cable for an outer small Bower and the outer small Bower put to the Crippled Anchor for a Sheet if drove to necessity. Wormed the Cable with the Main Topsail lifts w[h]here it was rubbed. Reeved new Fore & Main Top Sail lifts.

11 am: Porpoises, Flying Fish and Boobies seen.

12 noon: Fresh Breezes, light coloured haze Clouds in the South, and rather a Windy aspect.
  Assistant in Company Carrying all Sail


At 7 O'Clock this Evening we Shortned Sail. Lieut. Portlock informed me, that close in upon what he supposed the Shoal, he had 44 fathoms Water and rather apprehends he was alarmed without any other cause than light coloured Water from reflected Clouds and a quantity of Scum or Spawn of Fish. I hope it really is the case, but as we saw it, the appearance was very suspicious. At 6 O'Clock we had 85 fathoms Soundings, but at 7 when I shortned Sail we could not get ground at 90 fathoms of Line, out of which there was not above a fathom Slack.

I now find we have a Current setting to the Northward and the Wind unexpectedly backing to the Southward. I trust it will not come more unfavorable. My Plants are in charming condition.

In the beginning of this Month 1770 Captain Cook found a Current setting to the Southward.

Up to this day our loss of Bread fruit Plants have been 126 large Pots and 94 Small Pots of Avees 1 Small Pot of Plantains 3 large Pots.

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