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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 24, 1792

Remarks Monday 24th September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Haze.

 2 pm: Saw many Schools of Fish and various Birds in pursuit of them.

 4 pm: Let fresh Water into the Hold and Ventilated the Ship as usual with the Pumps.

 7 pm: Spoke the Assistant, and directed Lieut. Portlock to lead Steering W½N. He informed me that William Terry one of his Quarter Masters who was wounded with an Arrow in the Hip, or near it, towards the Groin, died the Night before last, and was buried Yesterday Morning. The other two Men were happily doing well. In 2nd. Reefs.

12 mid: Dew falling.

 5 am: Out Reefs and set all Possible Sail.

 6 am: Schools of Fish like Herrings and many Birds.

 8 am: The Assistant made the Signal for danger, hauled the Wind to the Northward, the Shoal bearing West of us 2 or 3 Miles. It had broken water, but no dry parts. Its extent from North to South 3 Miles about 1 Mile East and West. Bore away and set Studding Sails.

11 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast. Portable Soup Oatmeal and Bore Cole for Dinner. Served Vinegar as usual on this day.

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. All Sails Set.


The Weather being very favorable I determined to run all Night, and gave Lieut. Portlock orders to steer W½N supposing myself in the Latitude of 9°..00 South. In the Morning we fell in with a bank on which we saw no dry ground, either of Rocks or Sand; but the Sea was much agitated on it, and its form was very Vissible from the Shoalness of the Water. The Assistant was close to it when she made the Signal. I therefore expect Lieut. Portlock can say more of it that is within our knowledge for we were two Miles apart.

It gave me much concern to hear of the death of the poor Man who was wounded with an Arrow on board the Assistant. The day before his death he was thought to be recovering. A Vast effusion of blood from his Mouth preceded a convulsion which carried him off. There was very little inflamation about the wound, and it was remarkable that the Arrow when so small a distance in, that its point presented itself outwards at ½ Inch from where it entered. Such an unprovoked assault as the Wretches made on these poor Men, merited a much severer return that I gave them. I hope it will have a good effect.

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