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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 23, 1792

Remarks Sunday 23rd September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather but very Hazy. Served Slops to the People. Employed mending and Washing Clothes.

 5 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the Pumps as usual.

 7 pm: In Studding Sails and 2nd Reefs of the Top Sails. Spoke the Assistant to keep the Wind for the Night Wareing [wearing] Ship every two Hours.

10 pm: Wore

12 mid: Wore

 2 am: Wore

 4 am: Wore

 5 am: At 5 hour..25′ Bore away. Made all possible Sail. Saw Tropic Birds, Species of Gulls, a large brown Bird like a Hawk but a heavy flying Bird. Porpoises. Water Snakes, and large patches of brown Scum on the Water in the course of this Morning.

 9 am: Served Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast and Krout in the Pease for Dinner.

11 am: Mustered & saw every person clean dressed. Performed divine Service.

12 noon: Fresh Gale and fair Weather with much Haze. Shortned Sail, hove too and Sounded 30 fathoms a fine greenish Sand & Mud
  Assistant a head and out Sails us.


The Fair Weather enabled me to get some Observations of the Sun and Moon, which prove my Time Keepers to give a good Longitude, and that no material error can be in the Mean of the Three.

In the Morning I had great pleasure in mustering my Ship's Company, and seeing them in good health; and as usual they spent the day without work, and happy to a great degree that they had passed the Reefs of New Guinea.

To enable me to be more exact in finding the Longitude of Coupang the Longitude by Time Keeper in the Table for the 23d, 24th, 26th and 30th of this Month are found by the new Rate as there established, and the difference of Longitude between them and what the Mean of the Time Keepers gave on the 6th of October is applied to each observation to reduce them to Coupang. [In a different hand:] They stand in the daily colums of observations as found by the last rate.

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