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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 23, 1792

Remarks Thursday 23rd August 1792

 1 pm: Fair and pleasant Weather which enable me to get some good observations, from which the Mean of my Time Keepers differ only 7 Miles.

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps to Ventilate the Ship.

 7 pm: In all small Sails and two Reefs of the Top Sails
Unbent Old Main Top Gallant Sail and bent a new One.

12 mid: Fine Night, Porpoises about the Ship

 5 am: Out all Reefs and made Sail. Saw Man of War Birds Tropic Birds and Bonetos.

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast, Krout in the Pease for Dinner.

 8 am: Cleaned below and Aired with Fires. Exercised at Small Arms and fired. Sailmakers repairing Main Top Gallant Sail. Hands Picking Oakam and Working up Junk.

12 noon: Fair Weather and Hazy. Saw a brown Booby and Man of War Bird. Got some good Observations.
   Assistant in Company

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