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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 21, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 21st August 1792

 1 pm: Fair Weather and Cloudy with much Haze.

 2 pm: Employed mending Fore Top Gallant Sail

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the Pumps.

 8 pm: In 2nd Reefs and hauled the Wind for the Night.

10 pm: Tacked

12 mid: Tacked

 2 am: Tacked

 4 am: Tacked

 6 am: Moderate and dark Cloudy Weather. Bore away under all Sail.

 7 am: Served a Hot Breakfast as usual.

 8 am: Fair Weather and Cloudy, the Sun to be seen at times.

 9 am: Got up every thing from below. Washed and Aired Ship with Fires. Exercised at Small Arms.

10 am: Saw Three Tropic Birds sitting on the Water.

12 noon: Moderate and fair with a great Haze.
  Assistant in Company and out Sails us so that I have given Lieut. Portlock general orders to keep a head.

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