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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 20, 1792

Remarks Monday 20th August 1792

 1 pm: Extreme hazy Weather but otherwise pleasant. Saw the Westermost Island of my Discovery, W½S and soon after two others to the Westward and Northward of it called E F G.

 4 pm: Hauled the Wind E S66W to S76W F S82°W to S89°W G WbN and D EbS

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual. Spoke the Assistant, they had sprung their Main Top Mast Cross Trees.

12 mid: Made the Signal and Wore Ship.

 4 am: Made the Signal and Wore Ship.

 6 am: Bore away and made Sail. Very Cloudy Weather & dark horizon

 8 am: Ditto Weather & thick Haze. Many flying Fish. Assistant fixed new Cross Trees. Served Hot breakfast as usual. Bore Cole & Portable Soup thickned with Oatmeal for Dinner.

10 am: Exercised Small Arms & fired, Cleaned below, Bent best Fore Top Gallant Sail & repairing old one, Working up Junk, saw porpoises and a Devil fish.

12 noon: Fair Weather and Cloudy with a prodigious thick haze. Served ½ pint Vinegar per Man as Customary on this day.
   Assistant in Company


As I expected we saw the land about 2 O'Clock, the same Island I discovered when I was in the Bounty's Launch, and what was now new to me, two other Islands to the WNW and NW of it. They were called E, F and G, are of a good height, Woody and in other respects I believe the same as the other Islands we had passed. The Island E I believe is the largest of the Three and is about 3 Leagues in circuit. It lies in Latitude 13°..27′ South, Longitude 166°..45′E about 13 Leagues from Island D.

During the Night I hauled the Wind, and at day break made Sail on my way.

These Islands, according to my present account from a Mean of my Three Time Keepers, lie between the Longitude of 166°..37′ East, and 167°..46′ East, Latitude 13°..17′S to 14°..21′ South. I suspect a Chain of these Islands extend to Santa Cruz.

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