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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 30, 1792

Remarks Monday 30th July 1792 [Towards] Savage Island

 1 pm: Light Winds & Cloudy Weather. Sent a Boat for Lieut. Portlock as I wanted to give him some directions how to proceed.

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and worked the pumps

 8 pm: Light Airs and fair Weather

 5 am: Saw Tropic Birds & some Species of Whales

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Bore Cole and Portable Soup thickned with Oatmeal for Dinner.

 9 am: Employed fitting the New Fore Sail, repairing the Old Fore Top Sail & awnings. Cooper making Tubs for the Plants. Carpenters repairing the large Cutter.

12 noon: Light Airs and Calms. Assistant in Company
  Served ½ pint of Vinegar to each Man.

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