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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 29, 1792

Remarks Sunday 29th July 1792 Towards [Savage Island]

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and dark Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Employed washing and mending Clothes and repairing the Old Fore Top Sail.

 7 pm: The Wind flew suddenly round and took us aback with heavy Rain. In 2nd. Reefs.

 8 pm: Showed a light to the Assistant

 1 am: Light Airs and Cloudy. Swell from the SE.

 4 am: Out 2nd Reefs

 6 am: Fair Weather up Top Gallant yards. Saw red Tailed Tropic Birds.

 7 am: Served Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast.

 8 am: Spread all Sails & Wet things out to dry. Got up all Chests & bedding & washed thoroughly below & dried. Mustered and saw every person clean dressed and performed Divine Service.

12 noon: Moderate and fair Weather. Assistant in Company.
 I have the happyness to see my Plants in a thriving state, altho we have had a very boisterous passage for them.

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