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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 2, 1792

Remarks Monday 2nd July 1792 Matavai Bay

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather Land Winds at Night Wind EbW, SSE. Thermometer from 75 to 82 Degrees.

Employed in the Hold. Carpenters repairing the Whale Boat and lineing and fitting the Ports. Armourer at the Forge making Hinges for the Port Scuttles. Sent Hands to cutt Broom Stuff. Sailmakers Repairing the Boats Sails. Served Tobacco to the People.

Sufficient Supplies but I am obliged to send People about the Country to purchase Hogs. Breadfruit still continues scarce, but the Trees have a very fine show of them about half and two thirds grown, and some we get perfectly fit for use. Plantains and Tarro is the Principal bread kind, for Yams have been neglected among those idle people of Matavai & Oparre. Cocoa Nutts and fine Apples we have in abundance, and I have not yet had a occasion to give my People less than one pound and a half of Pork per Day.

With my usual Visitors Tynah and his Wives, we had a few inferior Chiefs from the East part of Oporeeonow. As customary, after Dinner they began to enumerate the Ships that have been here, and how far they liked one better than another. Mine they called the healthy Ships, but dwelled much on the Discovery & Vancouver for Disease. It appears now to me, that instead of giving the Chiefs Wine, they have accustomed them to drink Cape Brandy which has torn them to pieces and killed many, among whom is a celebrated Chief of Attahooroo called Po,ohaitaiah or Tootaha.

They describe the Jenny of Bristol as a Miserable Vessel and the Commander as a great Rascal.

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