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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 3, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 3rd July 1792 Matavai Bay

Variable Westerly Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 78 to 81 Degrees. On Shore about 3 Degrees higher.

Supplies fully sufficient, but obliged to send about the Country for the most of them, very few Natives take any trouble to bring provisions to the Ship.

I had the happyness to day to see my Plants as forward as to determine me to begin to fit out. I therefore began to Day to start the Water we have, and to take on board fresh. Every other Person fully employed, and I sent Mr. Portlock to examine the bottom between this and Oparre, which I have not yet accurately ascertained.

A Violent fit of the Head Ach, with the many things I have to attend to confined me the latter part of this day. The pain I suffer when these fits seize me is beyond all description, happily when off I am in tolerable Health, except a great contraction of the Nerves in the left side of my Face.

In the beginning of June I observed all the Cloth Plants which were cutt down close to the Ground, beginning to shoot, and are now grown a considerable height. I now observe various other proofs of the effect of Spring. The Avee Trees are loosing their old leaves by new shoots, and several other Trees that shed annually their leaves are covering with new garments. The Natives give me an account of a number of Trees of this description. In one Month they say the Avees will be all gone.

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