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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 1, 1792

Remarks Sunday 1st July 1792 Matavai Bay

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Calms in the first part of the Day. Wind EbS. Thermometer from 75 to 81 Degrees.

Washed and Cleaned Ship. Hauled the Seine and caught a few Fish. Mustered and saw every Person clean Dressed. Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a Party to go on Shore for a Walk.

We have Cannoes constantly passing and repassing in Fleets to & from Tetooroah on every favourable opportunity. In one of them to day arrived a Boy, who in my last Voyage I mentioned being adopted by Teppahoo and Teranno, the Chief of Tettaha and his Wife. He was then a fine promising Child, but is now diseased in the Spine, his Backbone bends outwards to such a Degree that the Boy is oblige3d to be carried, he cannot sit upright. The Surgeon Mr. Harwood considers it owing to the Scrofula, as the Youth and all his Friends declare he had no hurt. The various appearances this dreadfull disease puts on is truly Shocking.