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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 22, 1792

Remarks Friday 22nd June 1792 Matavai Bay

Ditto Weather, Thermometer from 75 to 80 Degrees. Employed as Yesterday.

I found myself much better to day. I was able to protract off my Survey, and examine and rectify the Soundings about this Place, I continue to bathe in the River, which before Sun rise is remarkably Cold and refreshing.

At intervals of ten Days & a fortnight we have Fleets of 10 & 15 Sail of Cannoes passing and repassing to and from Teturoah. They bring a quantity of dried Boneto and other fish, which are considered dainties by the Otaheiteans, but by us not worth eating.

In the Course of the Night a Thief found an opportunity to pass the Centinels and Officers on Guard at the Post, and take from out of the House a Bag of Clothes belonging to Lieut. Guthrie. It was a large quantity of dirty linnen to some amount. How the Thief could have got it out & pass the Centinels is incredible. At what time it was taken away was not known, we could not therefore fix the neglect on any particular Man. The Guard has hitherto been 3 Centinels, One Corporal to visit them and see they do their duty, and a Midshipman to superintend, the relief every two hours. I ordered another Centinel, so that we have now four Centinels to prevent Mischief.

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