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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 21, 1792

Remarks Thursday 21st June 1792 Matavai Bay

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. At Night Land Winds and Calms. Wind East ESE, SSE. Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.

Employed Cutting Wood, Painting the Ship, Sailmakers making covers for the Green Houses. Gunners Employed Airing their Stores.

Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Cocoa Nutts, Tarro, Vees and an increase of Bread fruit. All these articles are brought to us from an few People belonging to the district of Matavai and Oparre. About ten or a Dozen Cannoes are all we have off to us in the course of the Day.

The want of Breadfruit has freed us very much from being infested with the Flies. While that Fruit is plentifull they are a plague to us. It drops from the Trees when ripe, and the Otaheiteans taking no pains to clear away the filth, the Swarms of Flies are troublesome to us beyond measure.

I happily recovered from my Fever, but remained oppressed with a dreadfull head Ach. I dare not expose myself to the Sun. The shining of it upon any part where I am affects me in so violent a manner in my head that I cannot bear it. Before Sun rise I bathe in the fresh Water and return on board, & after Sun down take my Walk, so that in a few Days I hope to be tolerably well again.

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