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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 23, 1792

Remarks Saturday 23rd June 1792 Matavai Bay

Moderate Breezes and fair Weather. Calms and Land Winds in the Night. Wind EbN, EbS, SSE. Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.

Employed drying Powder and Gunners Stores. Sent a Party to Cutt Wood. Sailmakers making Hoses. Washed and Cleaned Ship. Cooper repairing Casks. Afternoon all hands repairing their Clothes.

Very sufficient Supplies and Breadfruit coming in Season again.

I suffered vastly in my head to day I cannot bear the sight of the Sun. In other respects I am tolerably well, before Sun rise and about Sun set I am able to see into all necessary duties, and regulate all busyness on Shore. It gives me peculiar satisfaction to see my Plants thriving. I have now once more with unnearied [unharried?] Zeal and attention procured that great and valuable object, and hop God will grant my endeavours to be crowned with success.