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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 24, 1792

Remarks Thursday 24th May 1792

Fair Weather with some Showers of Rain. Wind at East and EbS. Thermometer from 80 to 82 Degrees.

Employed about the Rigging, Launch and repairing the Main Top Sail. In the Morning hauled the Seine and Caught 150 pounds of fine Cavallies, Horse Macral and Ribband Fish (having brilliant stripes that characterises them.[)] Washed and Cleaned Ship.

This Morning I was informed that an Indian had got by Stealth into our Post last Night and stolen several Articles of Cloaths. Several circumstances occurred, which if fact, prove these people to have such wonderfull expertness in theiving as exceeds all belief.

In the Night a fellow was seen about the Assistant with a design of doing some mischief, the Boats were immediately sent after him, but the Night was so dark he escaped. I have frequent conversations with Tynah respecting the want of power or order in his government to prevent thieving. He has told me that only good people could be governed by advice, Townahs (or Rogues) he said would at all times when it was in their power, do mischief and committ Thefts, and could only be guarded against by a strict Watch, and desired whenever we had it in our power to put them to death, that an example might be made to deter others. I cannot discover that they have any custom or law which inflict punishment for particular Crimes by Trial. The Strongest Man, or the most powerfull Chief decides in his own cause, but there is an appeal from the inferior people of every District to their superior Chief who judges fairly of the matter in dispute.

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