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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 23, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 23rd May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Wind at East. Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather lessening at Night with some Calms. Rain in the Mountains and a light sprinkling at the Post. Thermometer from 76 to 81½ Degrees. These three Weeks past we have had no swell in the Bay or Surf on the Shore.

So very little is now brought to the Ship that I am obliged to send the Boat to Oparre for Provisions of every kind. Sailmakers repairing Sails, Carpenters about the Launch and fixing a new Trussel Tree to the Main Topmast the old one was carried away at Sea. On examining it I found it had been Sprung before we left England and the Shipwright at Woolwich had disgracefully attempted to secure it by nailing. Hauled the Seine, Caught 50 Weight of Fish which was served to the People.

The cause of our being scantily supplied with Provisions I find to be owing in some measure to curiosities being brought on board. Most of our People and Officers have their Tyos, and these are the most wealthy of the inhabitants, they therefore while they find their Friends pleased with trifles neglect to bring supplies, and are incouraged in it as they value the curiosities more than any thing eatable, while they conceive it must be found them, altho every person receives the Market price, from the People who are authorised to Trade, when he brings any article of food which has been brought on board to him by his Friend. I forbad any thing but food to be brought on board the Ship. The next Month and the latter part of this is considered a scarce time for Breadfruit.

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