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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 25, 1792

Remarks Friday 25th May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Light Breezes Easterly and Calms with some light refreshing Showers of Rain. Thermometer from 78 to 87 Degrees.

At Day light I had the Ship unmoored to examine the Cables, which we found not at all injured. By 2 O'Clock we shifted our Birth a little more to the NNE and moored with a open Hawse to the East Wind, as I now considered no Winds of any consequence to be expected from the Sea. Bearings, the End of the Reef N23°W Point Venus N23°E Distant a Mile, from the nearest beach ¼ of a Mile. The Heads of Tarrah S10°W to S27°W. The Small Bower in 10 fathoms and the best Bower in 14½ fathoms.

After Dinner Tynah and his Wives requested I would accompany them to a Heivah. They are remarkably fond of these amusements and as my presence is sure to produce some additional exertions and more mirth among the People, from the presents I distribute among them, if any thing is going on I am sure of being acquainted of it. Including Children the number of Persons collected were about two hundred. The Performers were two Men who did the interlude and a Woman and a little Girl the dancing part. The Aira,rahyree or platted Cocoa Nutt leaf was as usual brought to me, but not any thing new in the performance.

In the Evening we gave great entertainment to the Natives by setting of a Dozen Sky Rockets. We have ever found them highly delighted with our Fire Works.

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