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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 4, 1792

Friday 4th May 1792

Light Winds at EbN, SE, NW and Calms. Thermometer 79 to 83 Degrees.

Employed Caulking, In the Hold, about the Rigging, making Extra Places for the plants, making Tubs and Boxes to contain them. Sufficient supplies of Breadfruit, cocoa Nutts, Vees, Plantains, and Tarro. Finished Caulking the Sides and Bends.

In the Morning our old Friend the Queen Dowager, Oberreeroah, arrived from Moreah, and her Daughter Wow,wo. Nothing could exceed their joy and kind congratulations, in the midst of which they disavowed any friendly intercourse with Christian, and exculpated their whole family. It is remarkable the pains all the Chiefs have taken to prevent any stigma lying with them on that account.

On Oberreeroah, excepting that she has grown a little more corpulent than when I last saw her, time has made no alteration. Her corpulency has ever since I knew her, been a burthen to her, and as it creates indolence, she finds a difficulty in Walking. As coming up over our lofty sides was troublesome, I gave them great pleasure by hoisting her into the Ship in a Chair.

Wowwo who is not called Whyerreddee, & in my last Voyage was cured of a Scrofula by Mr. Ledward, enquired particularly after him, and acknowledged the great good he had done her. She was now in perfect health except an ulcer she had in her right Leg about the Ancle, which she said was not the same disease as she had before, & requested the Surgeon to cure it.

All the Otoo family are now here —

Otow Father
Oberreeroah   Mother
Toury Eldest Daughter & 1st Child
Tynah Eldest Son & 2nd Child
Orreepyah Third Child & Son
Whydooah Fourth Ditto a Son
Wowwo Fifth Ditto a Daughter
Teppahoo Sixth Ditto a Son

Wowwo's Husband who in my last Voyage I mentioned was Erreerahigh of Moreah is since Dead. The present Chief is called Mahow (a), a Nephew of Oberreeroah he is always with us and very pleasant good Creature. He informs me that there are only Six Horned Cattle at Moreah.

(a) $link$ See 8th May
Mr. Norris saw 6 Cows and one Bull

Oberreeroah had only a few Attendants with her, who all shared in my good wishes towards her. Among the many things I gave to them, linnen Bed Gowns pleased them the most. Tynah, Iddeeah, Wyerreddee, and Hammennemanne dined with me, as in general they do every Day; but Oberreeroah and Wowwo eat nothing untill they got on Shore in the Evening.

An account was brought me to day, that Poeeno and all his adherents had left Matavai and fled to Itteeah, the cause of this was owing to an attempt of Wydooah (the younger Brother of Tynah) to seize on the Musquets which Tabyroo had the charge of, and kept at a distance from Matavai.

There has been a great deal of Art in this busyness which they have nevertheless failed in. Hammennemanne was taught to tamper with me, and had artfully recommended to me, as a thing between ourselves, to ask Poeeno on board, and then make a Prisoner of him untill the Arms were returned. I would have done it had I been ready to Sail, or my Plants safe, but at present it particularly behoves me to be quiet.

This day we shifted 60 Pots and Planted 6 Tubs & Boxes.

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