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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 5, 1792

Remarks Saturday 5 May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Fine Weather and East Winds varying at Night to the SSE & SE off the Land. Thermometer 82 to 84 Degrees.

Employed in the Hold completing the Ground Tier with Ballast. Cooper making Tubs for Plants, and the Carpenters making Boxes. In the Afternoon the People employed mending their Cloaths.

Our supplies to day were not so plentifull, we are however able to keep four or five Days Hogs always in the Sty, & Fruit and Roots we have sufficient.

Some of our Plants have already given fine Shoots, and very few that have not evident signs of vegetation. A few were still backward, We therefore shifted 26 Pots and planted 14 Tubs and Boxes.

In my Walk to day I found a few Matavai People in their Dwellings, it appeared to me that those People were become attatched to the Oparre interest. Tynah took me to an Oope,owpah (or Concert) there were three Flutes and two Drums. There [their] performances do not want for harmony, there is notwithstanding such sameness in the Airs, and dull heavy sounds, that we soon become tired of the Performance, altho the Natives are delighted with it. These kind of amusements were formerly called Haivahs, but the word Haivah being given to Tomarree Erree of Papparroah as a name, they are now called Oope,owpah.

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