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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 3, 1792

Remarks Thursday 3rd May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Land and Sea Breezes SE and EbN with some Westerly breezes in the Morning. Thermometer from 81 to 82½ Degrees.

Employed in the Hold. Caulking the sides, and building places for the Plants on the Quarter Deck. Received 4 Tons of ballast per Launch. Cooper repairing Casks and making Tubs for the Plants.

Stone Ballast in all taken in here 22 Tons [Marginal note.]

Sufficient supplies of every kind.

Ships Draught of Water 15 Feet..8 Inches abaft 14..5 forward. [Marginal note.]

No Chiefs of any consequence have yet come to see us, except the Otoo family. The Matavai People have begun to errect some Sheds, but a number of them have not yet returned, so that it is not clear to me, that good fellowship is yet established among them, altho Poeeno is here and is on very goo terms with our Oparre Friends. I do not suffer him to visit me notwithstanding; but have given him permition to come on board on the Money being returned belonging to Captain Weatherhead. By Messages he assures me it shall be brought, I however doubt it being in his power. A Dollar was brought to me to day, and offered in exchange for a Knife, this is the third we have received and I fear the whole is not to be got, it being in the possession of many at least among those who will think themselves so.

Some of our Gentlemen made an excursion to day which terminated in being outwitted by an Indian, the loss of their Jackets and a brace of Pistols.

I have taken the greatest pains to explain to my officers and People in general how little they were to rely on the fidelity of Indians. Direct orders, that all those who had leave to go on Shore should return to the Post before Sun down, I informed them that if they took distant Walks without having a Chief with them, they were subject to be insulted and stript of their Cloaths, besides showing them the many consequences which would hurt the general good; yet these Gentlemen tired even of wearing their own Jackets, pulled them off with the only Arms they had, in the Pockets, and gave the whole to a worthless fellow to carry, who had thought it worth his trouble to follow them. A short time after, gave him an opportunity to lead them into an intricate and blind Path, where without any ceremony he abruptly took his leave, and left his Benefactors to find the way home by themselves, which they did not accomplish untill 8 OClock.

I determined on giving the Chiefs no uneasyness about the matter, and would not have them spoke to about it. The Theft was very unfairly and unjustly thrown on a Servant of Orreepyah's, when the Fact was, they had picked up a worthless fellow of Itteeah, and had fancied him like a Man they had seen, who they were told was belonging to Orreepyah.

This day we shifted 68 Pots of Plants that were not so well looking as I could wish, and planted 16 Tubs and Boxes.

Began to Shift some Plants [Marginal note.]

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