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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 14, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 14th March 1792 Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Dark Cloudy Weather —

 2 pm: Opened a Cask of Beef No. 1394 Contents 66 Double peices.–

 4 pm: Cloudy Weather and clearer Horizon - Saw some patches of Sea Weed. —

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the pumps to Ventilate the Ship. —

10 pm: Thick Misty Weather with Rain – many luminous blubbers on the Water.—

12 mid: Squally in 2nd Reefs. Fires all Night to Air the Ship. —

 3 am: Constant Rain and great head Sea.

 4 am: Fresh Gales and thick Misty Weather. In 3 Reefs Fore Top Sail, and down Top Gallant Yards. —

 8 am: Served a Hot breakfast of thick portable Soup Gruel - Krout & Sweet Wort at 10 OClock, and Bore Cole in the pease for Dinner.—

10 am: Fresh Gale and Cloudy Weather. In 3rd. Reef Main Top Sail and Close Reefed Fore Top Sail and Handed Mizen Top Sail

11 am: Cleaned and dried with Fires

12 noon: Ditto Weather and much Head Sea. Broached a Puncheon good Spruce Beer for the people. —
  Sailmakers mending Sails, and the Taylor my Young folks Cloaths. —
  Assistant in Company & Sails as well as we do
 We are all well & hearty but myself. I am never free of a straitness of Skin about my left temple & side of my face. Head Ach all day long. –

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