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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 6, 1792

Remarks Monday 6th February 1792 Towards Van [Diemans Land]

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair Weather with Haze.—
Many small Blue Petterals a few Albetrosses and other Oceanic Birds.

 3 pm: much Swell from the West.—

 6 pm: Let Water into the Ship and Worked the pumps as usual – In 1st. Reefs. —

10 pm: Very fine Night but a Prodigious Dew that pierces through all our Cloaths. – I dare not venture to expose myself to it, to make some observations, as from my attempt last Night I caught cold and had a return of my Nervous disorder which for a fortnight I kept very free of. —

 4 am: Cloudy Weather

 8 am: Fair Weather. Served a Hot Breakfast as yesterday Bore Cole & Portable Soup thickened with oatmeal for Dinner. – Krout vinegar & Sweet Wort as usual

11 am: Washed and Cleaned Ship & dried with Fires.

12 noon: Fine Weather and Haze. – Saw a few White Bellied Porpoises – many Small Blue Petterals. —
  Assistant in Company, but we spare her all our Steering Sails. – Water tolerably smooth

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